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Autore Titolo Note
RUBINO-SAMMARTANO, Mauro Verifica dell'opera, ultimazione perfetta e practical completion in Rivista trimestrale degli appalti, 2019, 3, 1021-1024
RUBINO-SAMMARTANO, Mauro Lo strumento della negoziazione assistita a disposizione per evitare il contenzioso in Rivista trimestrale degli appalti, 2019, 3, 1017- 1020
PEIRÓ BAQUEDANO, Ana Isabel El sistema de reparto de riesgos en las concesiones: hacia una nueva gobernanza 2019, Editorial Aranzadi, Spagna
GIMENO FELIU, José Maria La Ley de Contratos de Sector Público 9/2017. Sus principales novedades, los problemas interpretativos y las posibles soluciones 2019, Aranzadi
FRANCO, G. Giuseppe Il dispute board e l'ordinamento arbitrate italiano. Test di compatibilità in Rivista Trimestrale degli Appalti, 2019, 2, 539 - 554
JOKOVIC, Slavica Competition and integrity in public procurement Sel publish, 2019
RUBINO-SAMMARTANO, Mauro Natura ed effetti articolati delle decisioni del Dispute Adjudication Board in Rivista Trimestrale degli Appalti, 2019, 1, 191 - 200
TEJEDOR BIELSA, Julio La contratación pública en España ¿sobrerregulación o estrategia? Causas y consecuencias de su problemática aplicación Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, Cizur Menor (Navarra), 2018
VAN GARSSE Steven, VAN GESTEL Kit, MCCKENZIE Kirsti PPP-Contracts: On or Off Government Balance Sheets? European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 2017, 1, 3-15
RUBINO-SAMMARTANO, Mauro Concurrent delays. Intrecci tra ritardi causati da più parti in Rivista Trimestrale degli Appalti, 2018, 1, 235 - 242
AA.VV. Nuevos escenarios para la contratación pública: la transposición en España y la nueva Gobernanza relazioni presentate in occasione del Seminario de contratación pública en Formigal, 2017, VIII ed. - A.I. Beltrán Gómez, A. Peña Ochoa, B. Rodríguez Fraga, P. Iglesias Rey, J. Santiago Fernández, T. Medina Arnáiz, M.M. Razquin Lizarraga, R. Fernández Acevedo, M.A. Sanmartín, M.A. Bernal Blay, J.A. Moreno, P. Iglesias Rey, P. Valcárcel Fernández, E. Hernáez Salguero, X. Lazo Vitoria - su
OECD Public Procurement for Innovation: Good Practices and Strategies 2017, OECD Publishing, Paris
HERNÀNDEZ GONZALEZ, Franzisco L. Procurement of social services with nonprofit organisations: reserved contracts and direct awards (an analysis in the light of spanish and european union law) Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario, 2017, 1, 131 - 150
SANTIAGO, Jaime Pintos Los principios generales de desarrollo humano y sostenibilidad ambiental en la contratación pública Instituto Nacional de Administracion Publica, 2017
LA CHIMIA Annamaria, VALAGUZZA Sara A new approach to implementing the 2014 public procurement Directives in Italy: ANAC’s soft law regulatory powers amidst uncertainty and need for clarity in Public Procurement Law Review, 2017, 4
RUBINO-SAMMARTANO, Mauro Specificità dell'appalto internazionale (e, sotto vari profili, dell'appalto in genere) in Riv.trim. app., 2017, 1, 169
BOVIS, Christopher (edited by) Research Handbook on EU Public Procurement Law 2016, Edward Elga Publishing Limited
RUBINO-SAMMARTANO, Mauro La disruption e la non facile prova dei suoi effetti in Riv.trim. app., 2016, 4, 877-888
GIMENO FELIU, Jose Maria Le nuove regole europee in tema di contrattazione pubblica e il recepimento in Spagna in Riv. Trim. App., 2016, 4, 889-96
SANCHEZ-GRAELLS, Albert Collaborative Cross-border Procurement in the EU: Future or Utopia? in Procurement Law Journal, 2016, 1, 11 e ss.
KIRKWOOD William T. Barriers to small business preference programs under EU Law in Public Procurement Law Review, 2016, 1, 121 e ss.
RISVIG HAMER, Carina The concept of a ‘public contract’ within the meaning of the Public Procurement Directive in Public Procurement Law Review, 2016, 1, 179 e ss.
RODRIGUEZ-ARANA MUNOZ, Jaime The principles of the global law of public procurement Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2016, 2, 509-530
PIERINI Enrica, ROSSI Edoardo Alberto Fenomenologia delle esternalizzazioni: il contributo della prassi internazionale ed europea alla disciplina degli appalti Contratto e impresa / Europa, 2016, 1, 66-98
J. IGNACIO CRIADO (a cura di) Nuevas tendencias en gestión pública 2016, INAPE spaña
WENDELL C. Lawther, LAWRENCE L. Martin (eds.) Private Financing of Public Transportation Infrastructure. Utilizing Public-Private Partnerships Lexington Books, 2015
PEREIRA, Cesar Application of the CISG to international government procurement of goods Public Procurement Law Review, 2016, 1
EIRÒ, Vera E-procurement: the Portuguese experience Public Procurement Law Review, 2016, 1
ASHMORE, Rory The Supreme Court's ruling in Edenred on the issue of material variation of a concluded contract under EU law Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 6
HEILMAN GRIER, Jean What are the prospects for concluding work on China's GPA accession in 2015? Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 6
BROWN, Adrian Does a taxi reimbursement system for medical patients in Finland constitute a service concession under EU procurement law? Case C-269/14 Kansanelakelaitos Public Procurement Law Review, 2016, 1
VAN HEESWIJCK, Arthur The Dutch system of legal protection in public procurement procedures Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 6
WOLSWINKEL, Johan From public contracts to limited authorisations and vice versa: exploring general award requirements from the EU court's corollary approach Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 5
LA COUR Lisbeth, MILHØJ Anders, SKOVGAARD ØLYKKE Grith Transparency notices in the EU public procurement regime: an empirical study of the use of transparency notices in Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 5
BROWN, Adrian Evaluation of the quality and experience of the team assigned to perform a public contract: case C-601/13 Ambisig Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 5
McGOWAN, David Below-threshold contracts and change to the technical specifications during evaluation: Case C-278/14, SC Enterprise Focused Solutions SRL v Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Alba Iulia Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 5
WAUTERS Kris Cooperative Agreements between Public Authorities. The influence of CJEU case law on national legal systems 2015, Intersentia Publishing Ltd, Cambridge
LUDLOW Amy Privatising Public Prisons: Labour Law and the Procurement Process 2015, Hart Publishing, Oxford
RAYMENT Ben Public-public agreements and modifications to existing contracts: the Court of Appeal decision in Edenred Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 4
GARCIA-ANDRADE Xavier Codina Why Manova is not Slovensko: a new balance between equal treatment of tenderers and competition? Public Procurement Law Review, 2015, 4
I-38122 TRENTO - Via G. Verdi, 53 - tel. +39-0461-283509 - e-mail.
a cura di prof. Gian Antonio Benacchio e dott. Michele Cozzio